I’ve updated my Newsgraph page with a new url: http://newsgraph.prometheusx.net This should provide better performance.
Additionally, I’ve made a number of changes/bugfixes to make the program more intuitive/easy to use/aesthetically pleasing. Not to say it’s perfect, but this project continues to be a small concept of displaying recent news by popularity and category over a short time period.
Poke around, try it out, click on the different categories, let me know your thoughts..
Technical Changes
I’ve changed the application to use jquery (no, I don’t know why I wasn’t before).
I made fonts scale based on the resolution of the window by using a base font size rather than a constant. Additionally, I’ve added fonts from Typekit.
Since the core of the application is one giant canvas, the way that stories are clicked on is basically looking them up in a map of sorts that is basically represented as a 2-d array that marks that starting points for the various stories. However, since there are objects other than the singular large canvas, the offset of the canvas on the page needed to be considered. This was added by changing the function called on click to depend on “this.offsetTop”, similar functions for other directions are available, but most important in this case was offsetTop. The canvases also resize on window resize.
I think eventually, the page should be either to move away from canvas or to use more of the canvas functionality. I chose canvas originally because I wanted to try them out in a real world application.
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